The Experts

Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFOs)

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What are Ankle Foot Orthoses?

Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFOs) are devices designed to support the ankle and foot, improving mobility and stability for individuals with various conditions, and is one the most common types of orthoses we prescribe. They aid in controlling abnormal movements, correcting gait, and preventing deformities. There are some simply brilliant AFO products available now with more sophisticated and clever componentry and they continue to progress with new materials and aesthetic design variables available via 3D printing capabilities.

To keep it simple, we offer a very diluted overview of key types of AFOs and benefits below.

Types of AFOs

Ankle Foot Orthoses 3 1

source: FIOR & GENTZ, Lüneburg

Ankle Foot Orthoses 2 1

source: FIOR & GENTZ, Lüneburg

Benefits of AFOs

AFOs are essential for those needing support and stability, significantly improving daily life and overall well-being.