What is Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)?
Electrical muscle stimulation helps to restore or improve functions in cases of neurological damage or injuries.
What are the benefits of FES in cases of paralysis or paresis (partial loss of movement)?
FES can improve the movements you want to make in your limbs. It can also retrain your musculature, prevent atrophy (amyotrophia), improve your range of movement, and boost local blood circulation.
How does FES enable body movements?
The brain sends electrical signals to your body via the nervous system. These signals tell the body how to move. If this natural communication between the brain and the lower limbs is interrupted by injuries or diseases, it can lead to muscle weakness or paralysis. Sometimes, a muscle and its nerve connections are healthy, but communication cannot take place from the brain because there is a problem with the central nervous system. In this case, FES can be used to replace these natural electrical signals from the brain so that weak or paralysed limbs can be moved again.